Friday, April 15, 2011

MAC Blushes Mini Haul

I'm a Blush and Lipstick person. 
I find that i'm almost always drawn to buying blushes and lipstick whenever I'm in Beauty Stores on when I'm online shopping. 

I'm slowly building my blush collection and as of, like right now, my two favorite blushes are MAC and NARS. So one rainy, lazy afternoon, i bought myself 3 new MAC blushes. I would've bought four, but stopped when hubby gave me the "your-shopping-again???-haven't-you-had-enough??" look and said "do you really need so much blushes? i'm sure you can live with only one"

Ahhhh MEN, they just DON'T understand. 

Fleur Power, Pinch O' Peach, Dollymix

I bought the following MAC Blushes:
Pinch O' Peach 
Fleur Power

I'll post reviews and swatches soon. 


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